The award was presented to me by the extremely talented doll artist Jodi Creager. Thank you so much Jodi!
The rules are, I have to pick up a book that I have at hand, turn to page 161 and write the fifth sentence on that page here. Then pass the Award onto five other bloggers.
The book I'm currently reading is a technical manual for Windows server 2008. I will not bore you with that, so the last book I read will have to suffice. Let's see page 161 and the 5 line say's ...."Oh, to the other side of the West-end". Good luck figuring that one out.
I would like to recognize a few good friends I've made online:
A talented fabric artist and funny friend. I know you'll love her pillows and accessories as much as I do.
Candice is a fellow Texan with a unique sense of humor and a gift for crime scene photography. I just love her dead fairies!
Gypsy Trading Company
The first person I met online and can call a friend is an avid model horse collector and creator of fantastic scenes for horses and dollhouses!
Golden Unicorn Miniatures
Joyce is a miniature clay artist. She forms all her pottery by hand, no wheels involved here. She make the best vases and bowls!
Mostly Art
Tom is a fellow turner who lives in Canada. He does amazing work with stone. His selection of materials and the finish he imparts to them is inspiring to see.
Turnings In Miniatures